
Friday 22 July 2011

Define Perfection

I laughed when  I read the start of todays prompt.  Even though I only just posted yesterday's prompt earlier I had already planned what I was going to say.  So while I was rambling on about a circle being perfection I was already heading into today's prompt!  So how do I define perfection?

  • Perfection is a circle!
  • Perfection is fresh baked bread while it is still warm.
  • Perfection is "A place for everything and everything in its place".
  • Perfection is children happily playing together.
  • Perfection is the setting and rising of the sun in all its splendid colours.
  • Perfection is a peaceful morning reading.
  • Perfection is spending time with loved ones having fun and laughing.
I am not completely a perfectionist, I am also a realist.  I strive to do everything to the best of my abilities.  If that means hanging a picture on the wall, it WILL be hung straight.  If that means organising my kitchen to be functional, it WILL be organised and labeled. If that means creating a page for my album, it WILL be done to my liking and taste.  I will always do the best that I can do, but if it isn't someone else's idea of perfection, that will just have to do regardless.

I had an amazing Social Studies teacher in high school.  He used to say that if we aimed for the stars and landed on the moon we were still doing ok.  He was right.  Aim for the very best but be happy with what you end up accomplishing, if you know you did your very best then you are doing OK.

My children seem to be going through a new stage of annoying each other.  This school holidays seems to be seeing the end of that trait and this photo was the first time they had done ANYTHING together without a disagreement in a long time.  They are baking 'Lemon Diva Cupcakes' which turned out to be divine!

There is nothing wrong with aiming for perfection, as long as you are happy with what you eventually accomplish.  Be a perfectionist with a healthy dose of realism.


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