
Sunday 26 June 2011

A new project ...

I missed a day.  I really wanted to post yesterday, but try as I might, it wasn't working.  Yesterday's prompt (if you have read back you will know that I am doing a class with Shimelle called 'Blogging for Scrapbookers') really bugged me.  It shouldn't have, as it was an easy topic really, but the more I thought about it, the harder it was to come up with something to write.  I could have taken the easy option and just posted something else, but I decided to sleep on it.

And what was this most difficult of topics?  Blogging about goals ... I told you it wasn't scary, but I was stumped.  I have always been a goal setter (or so I thought).  I set goals in education.  I set goals at work.  I set goals for vacations.  And I set goals ... well, no where else really ... I have set personal goals but I can't recall ever keeping them, or making myself accountable for them!  And that was kind of the point of today's prompt.  If we set a goal in a public forum like a blog, we can drop back in every now and again and update our readers about our progress.  Intriguing idea, but what goal should I set? If I even decide to take up this challenge?

So I woke up this morning and was blog hopping.  Last week I wanted to make Swedish Meatballs and The Princess and I found this site with a great recipe.  Today they featured a recipe for Zucchini Cake and it was the writers Grandmother's recipe.  I loved how at the end they included a picture of the original recipe in her Grandmother's hand.  It made me think of my Grandma's recipies.  I then ended up at this blog post and suddenly inspiration hit!  My cousin is getting married in 6 months and I want to make her a Family Recipe album!!!

We come from a slightly unconventional family and we are spread around the world.  What a better surprise for her than if I get everyone involved and fill an album with the recipies and stories.  I am excited just thinking about it!  So, I now have another project, but this one MUST be competed in 6 months and it gives me something else to play with other than holiday photos :-)

So stay posted and I will update you as I go!  I am off to start emailing family and begin my collection.


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Thanks for taking the time to brighten my day :-)
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